Product Categories

  • Agrisept -L ® The Original Grapefruit Seed Extract

    This revolutionary Biogenic Grapefruit Seed Extract is antibacterial, antivirus, antifungal & Antiseptic. Its efficacy and its many uses are remarkable. It is primarily composed of a very powerful compound found in grapefruit seed. It addresses one of the main inhibitors to weight loss, which is Candida Albicans overgrowth.  A preventive treatment with Agrisetpt-L® that kills fungus is an excellent way to start a diet or weight loss program. Agrisept-L® has been laboratory tested with outstanding results.  This grapefruit seed extract has no known harmful side effects and is non-toxic. If you are taking Lipitor please consult your physician before taking grapefruit seed extract. Reasons people use Agrisept-L®
    • Candida
    • Yeast
    • Influenza
    • Sore Throats
    • Colds
    • Flu
    • Viral infections
    • Herpes
    • Parasites
    • Streptococcus
    • Fungus
    • Staphylococcus
    • Salmonella
    • Antibacterial issues
    • E.Coli
    • Tourista
    Other items such as energy tools may be very helpful in keeping the immune system sharp.

    The Silver Torus (updated July '22) is a powerful, elegant piece. It carries the new energy, found in the Alchemist Torus.  Brings soul level transformation, with quickness and ease. The deeper, the darker, the experience alchemized, the more light and wisdom the Soul elicits from it!!!!

    We have been working on this one since the release of the previous silver torus!  The sterling silver bail was made at a local jewelry company. It was envisioned to be a spinner, but in reality it is not as free flowing as intended.  But each side of the bail has a different marking.   13 circles of Metatron's cube finely is inscribed.

    The outer ring is a 1-1/2" Sterling Silver Tensor Ring with two Seeds of Life together to create the Torus. Available as Torus Pendant (no lanyard or chain) or with a 24 or 30 inch sterling silver chain.  This is our heaviest duty chain offered. The torus is simply a name give to the way energy moves, in a toroidal field, or donut shaped field that is the basis for all physical reality.  All energy constructs move in a torrid fashion, from molecules to the way galaxies are formed, and all physical constructs between.  The human heart is even a large electromagnetic toroidal field, about 6 feet across. For years, we have been refining this pendant, and this is truly a beautiful piece!
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    Alexandrite is believed to be a stoneof prosperity and longevity. It creates a balance between mind and emotions, pacifies soul and stimulates spiritual growth. Alexandrites are remarkable and rare gemstones. They display an extraordinary colour change according to the ambient lighting, from emerald green in daylight to ruby red in incandescent light from tungsten lamps or candles. These are the colors my camera captured today in different lighting.                                           Pendant is 1.25" long and comes with an 18" chain.
  • Nerve Tuning Fork

    Why a Nerve Tuning Fork? A nerve fires at a frequency of 50 Hz carrying a message from the brain or to the brain. When some trauma to the body occurs, the nerve tells the brain something is out. The brain reacts to this process by correcting it. If the damage is too great for the brain to repair easily, it starts sending endorphins to ease the pain. If the damage is to the nerve, the frequency for information is hindered in the flow to the brain.

    This tuning fork is based on :

    50 Hz

    This nerve tuning fork can be used to relieve pain from pulled or strained muscles. It is also excellent for removing those knots that develop in the muscles. It will help in releasing the tightness of cramps so that the muscle will relax and the brain will send the endorphins to help with the pain. Place the end of the nerve tuning fork stem on the area where there is pain. You may also place the side of the stem in the same area. On the weighted end of the tuning fork pinch the two ends together and slide your fingers off quickly. Hitting the end of the nerve tuning fork on a hard rubber object is not needed to cause the maximum amount of vibration.

    For more information about how to use tuning forks check out Tuning the Human Biofield by Eileen Day McKusick.

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    Aluminum Singing Bowl

    This aluminum singing bowl from Nepal is made of cast aluminum with a symbol of the Ganesha on the inside and Sanskrit writing on the outside. It is a D tone for the sacral chakra.  It is easily played, light enough to hold, great resonance and overtones, and  beautiful.
  • Angel Tuning Forks

    The Angel Tuning Forks  are a set of 3 Crystal Tuners. Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. It Enhances connection to universal energy, brings Spiritual insights and experiences.

    Free Wooden Mallet with this Tuning Fork Set. All Forks are in attractive Velvet Pouch.

    In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone,the second tone creates a third tone, etc. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.

    Benefits of the Angel Tuning Forks:

    • Enhances connection to universal energy
    • Spiritual insights and experiences
    • Manifestation of inspiration and a meditative state
    • Connect with higher powers and creative expression

    It may take a while for your ears to open to the overtone intervals. Learning to listen to them opens dream doorways.

    These 3 Angel tuning forks are based on :

    4096 Hz, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz

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    Raw Cognac Amber Chakra Teething Necklace w/ Gem & Cat Eye

    With the Amber Chakra teething necklace including chakra gems and colors your baby may be balanced and comfortable even during the teething process. BALTIC AMBER - NATURAL TEETHING RELIEF FOR BABIES Beaded baltic amber necklaces are worn around babies' necks to give natural pain relief from teething symptoms. The intent is for the oils from the fossilized tree resin to penetrate the skin and create a calming effect. Necklaces, bracelets & anklets made from Baltic Amber are known to be helpful for babies who are teething. They offer completely natural and medications free alternative for children. Our jewelry for babies is made only from genuine Amber beads so you can be sure that it will provide infants with maximum pain relief. Since we have a huge assortment of products that are specifically aimed at babies you will definitely find a design, which is appealing to you. This is a product that we received from Lithuania.

  • Amber- “Solidified Sunshine”

    This beautiful organic gem – neither crystal nor mineral, is a protective resin that oozed from living trees in dense, prehistoric forests and fossilized over millions of years. As it drips down trees, it encapsulates insects, spiders, wood, feathers, and other small organisms and pieces of plant matter. As the resin hardens, it loses its volatile components used to protect the tree. Over 1000 extinct animal species and various types of plant matter have been identified in Amber!

    Worn and treasured by those even in the stone age, Amber is highly prized in the metaphysical world for its energetic and healing properties – and the life force it carries. It has a very strong connection to the sun and earth as well as ancient insects, plant matter, and other prehistoric organisms that are forever suspended within its golden structure.

     Amber attunes to ancient wisdom and can be a very powerful tool for re-discovering past lives, and is highly useful for clearing family patterns that are not healthy. It is known as a protective stone for children especially. It helps stabilize depression, eases the grieving process, and helps comfort those who feel lonely.

    Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain and disease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit by absorbing negative and stagnant energies by transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself.

     Amber increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. It is associated with and can help balance the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Amber can actually clear any environment in which is rests! It also provides a protective shield against negative energies and removes toxicity from one’s life and relationships.

    Wearing Amber on your body is an ideal way to absorb it’s beautiful benefits as you have direct access to its magnificent qualities. It is so helpful for those in pain, physically or emotionally, and is a wonderful protector gem for those who feel uneasy about their environment.

     The wonderful sunny energy it brings can remind us that the sun that once shone on our ancestors still shines upon us now today.

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    Amethyst and Baltic Amber Teething Bracelets

    On this site you can find several unique design Amber teething bracelets and necklaces that are aimed at teething babies. Wearing these is considered to be an effective and natural remedy for symptoms associated with teething.  Our baby bracelets are made only from authentic Amber, which comes from Baltic Sea. Amber bead sizes in these bracelets & anklets vary from 4 to 6 mm;  Standard length of each baby Amber bracelet is 14 centimeters, which equals to about 5,5 inches. - Our bracelets are suggested to be worn by infants (boys and girls) who are at least 3 month old and also with adult supervision; - According to consumer demands our baby bracelets can be made with either plastic clasps (Screw) or on Elastic Band; - In order to increase comfortability of wearing this bracelets Amber beads in them are smooth and rounded; - Beads in our bracelet are knotted between each other, which increases safety of wearing it. Also we use clasps that have screw thread, which makes it very difficult for a baby to unscrew a bracelet on their own.
  • Benefits Of Gua Sha

    • Face lifting and Fine lines preventions and reduction
    • Reduce puffiness, especially around the eyes
    • Relieve acne and other inflammation
    • Enhance anti-aging effects
    • Promote a natural botox effect
    • Help with hyperpigmentation
    • Relieve tension and reduce stress

    Roller Benefits

    You can use both tools to reduce stress with facial massage. The benefits include:
    • Activation of the circulation of the face;
    • Promotion of lymphatic drainage, reducing swelling;
    • Decreased muscle tension;
    • Skin toning;
    • Improvement in the elasticity of the dermis;
    • Increased absorption of cosmetics.
  • Amethyst Far-Infrared BioMat

    (Price includes shipping)  If you have a professional license let us know for a $100 discount. Enjoy relaxing on this amethyst infrared Biomat and get even more benefits than imagined.  To try it out, come by Spirals and enjoy your first 30 minute trial at no cost when you tell us you saw it here.  This BioMat is also incorporated into most of our healing services at Spirals.
    • Relieves minor muscle pain in areas where applied
    • Increases blood circulation in areas where applied
    • Reduces stress and fatigue
    • Soothes and relaxes
    • Eases minor joint pain, and stiffness
    • Supports the immune system
    • Reduced inflammation (where applied)
    • Increased tissue oxygen (due to increased circulation where applied)
    • Promotes restful sleep for those with occasional sleeplessness
    • Temporary relief of muscle spasms
    The FDA Approved  Amethyst Bio-Mat, with over two and a half million sold worldwide, provides you with cutting-edge technology that combines the synergy of: the healing properties of amethyst crystals, the deep penetrating heat of far infrared rays, and negative ion therapy.  
    Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, over-stressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches, and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be easily angered. [Raphaell, 80]1 [Gienger, 13]2 Amethyst helps in identifying the root causes behind one’s negative behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalance and disease. It also helps one understand the reality of cause and effect in behavior, and assists in better decision making. Amethyst is a marvelous aid in overcoming addictions by counteracting the effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function, while imparting its own peaceful sustaining energy. [Ahsian, 29]3[Hall, 54]4
    Amethyst is an enchanting purple gem stone that has been adored by royalty throughout history, all the way back to 3000 B.C. in Egypt. Purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. Called the "All-healer," Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants and animals. Amethyst calms and soothes, assisting the transmission of neural signals through the brain. Amethyst is a semi-precious stone in today’s classifications, but to the ancients it was a “Gem of Fire,” a Precious Stone worth, at times in history, as much as a Diamond. It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety. Amethyst is thought to stimulate right-brain activity and psychic intuition. It also benefits for removing impurities from the bloodstream, strengthening immunity and relieving headaches.
    1. [Raphaell, pp.] Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)
    2. [Gienger, pp.] Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009).
    3. [Ahsian, pp.] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).
    4. [Hall, pp.] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
    5. [Hall 2, pp.]Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009).
    6. [Melody, pp.] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995).
    7. [Megemont, pp.] Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008).
    For even more information and/or to order click here.
  • Amethyst Far-Infrared Mini BioMat

    Price includes shipping Enjoy relaxing on this amethyst infrared Biomat and get even more benefits than imagined.  To try it out, come by Spirals and enjoy your first 30 minute trial at no cost when you tell us you saw it here.  This BioMat is also incorporated into most of our healing services at Spirals.
    • Relieves minor muscle pain in areas where applied
    • Increases blood circulation in areas where applied
    • Reduces stress and fatigue
    • Soothes and relaxes
    • Eases minor joint pain, and stiffness
    • Supports the immune system
    • Reduced inflammation (where applied)
    • Increased tissue oxygen (due to increased circulation where applied)
    • Promotes restful sleep for those with occasional sleeplessness
    • Temporary relief of muscle spasms
    The FDA Approved  Amethyst Bio-Mat, with over two and a half million sold worldwide, provides you with cutting-edge technology that combines the synergy of: the healing properties of amethyst crystals, the deep penetrating heat of far infrared rays, and negative ion therapy.  
    Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, over-stressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches, and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be easily angered. [Raphaell, 80]1 [Gienger, 13]2 Amethyst helps in identifying the root causes behind one’s negative behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalance and disease. It also helps one understand the reality of cause and effect in behavior, and assists in better decision making. Amethyst is a marvelous aid in overcoming addictions by counteracting the effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function, while imparting its own peaceful sustaining energy. [Ahsian, 29]3[Hall, 54]4
    Amethyst is an enchanting purple gem stone that has been adored by royalty throughout history, all the way back to 3000 B.C. in Egypt. Purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. Called the "All-healer," Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants and animals. Amethyst calms and soothes, assisting the transmission of neural signals through the brain. Amethyst is a semi-precious stone in today’s classifications, but to the ancients it was a “Gem of Fire,” a Precious Stone worth, at times in history, as much as a Diamond. It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety. Amethyst is thought to stimulate right-brain activity and psychic intuition. It also benefits for removing impurities from the bloodstream, strengthening immunity and relieving headaches.
    1. [Raphaell, pp.] Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)
    2. [Gienger, pp.] Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009).
    3. [Ahsian, pp.] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).
    4. [Hall, pp.] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
    5. [Hall 2, pp.]Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009).
    6. [Melody, pp.] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995).
    7. [Megemont, pp.] Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008).
    Mini Mat
    Amethyst Mini Size 500 x 850 mm / 19.69" x 33.47"
    Net Weight 3.6 kg / 7.93 lbs. without controller
    Electric Consumption 100 W
    Voltage AC 120
    Performance Temperature 120V: 40-70°C / 104-158°F
    220V: 30-70°C / 86-158°F
    Amethyst Size 3 mm - 5 mm
    Amethyst Weight 1.2 kg / 2.64 lbs.
    Amethyst Color Natural, Violet, Clear
    Tourmaline Size / Weight 3 mm - 5 mm / 1.2 kg / 2.64 lbs.
    Tourmaline Color Black
    Cut & Shape Tumbled
    Polariscope Test D.R.
    Refractive Index 1.544-1.553
    For even more information and/or to order click here.
  • Amethyst Flower of Life w/ Infinities Program

    In addition to this Amethyst Flower of Life Spirals sells the complete line of sacred quantum Pendants. Designed by David Sereda, the quantum pendants are designed by a jeweler then infused with proprietary Quantum Energy Vibration Technology chambers. These chambers infuse the frequencies of Tachyon energy (faster than light energies), The Sacred Tree of Life, the actual NASA frequency of the Sound of the Sun, sacred geometrics and chambers that activate harmonic fields of energy in the pendant. The human body sends signals of energy in the form of negative and positive ions from the brain through the nervous systems to our organs and our muscles and 5 senses. Our body is an electrical system. Our electrical charge and distribution of energy can get weakened for various reasons, which can cause a decline in our strength, balance and health. Hundreds of people have been scientifically tested for body voltage. Consistently, the data shows persons with health issues or low energy have low voltage. Wearing the stone pendant increases body voltage to much more holistic levels. The Source pendant multiplies energy, on average, by a factor of 2 to 5 but can go as high as 10 times depending on a persons base line. Levels above Source, pendants wrapped with silver and/or gold, raise the body voltage and frequency by a factor of 3 to 12 times, depending on the persons base line.

    To see further information about these pendants please see this catalog by David Sereda. (prices are outdated, but info is good)

    Find a beautiful chain to carry your Quantum Pendant.


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