Product Categories

  • Rose Quartz Sphere

  • Orbicular Agate with Quartz Sphere

  • Blue Green Kyanite Sphere

  • Amethyst Light Stream Quantum Pendant

    This Amethyst Light Stream Trinity design reflects the Toroid shape of a Galaxy and its 3 spiral arms. Amethyst helps one to grow spiritually and enhances feelings of tranquility and contentedness and enlightenment. It is a warm, peaceful and invigorating stone.  Aids in dropping unwanted habits, addictive behaviors. Heals on all levels. Lifts depression. It is expected that this amethyst Light Stream Quantum Pendant will allow you to run your energy in a more organized and beneficial way. Results may range from clearer intuitive insights, higher physical stamina, improved health to overall higher joy in life. Join the many who are experiencing this asset in their lives Spirals sells the complete line of sacred quantum Pendants. Designed by David Sereda, the quantum pendants are designed by a jeweler then infused with proprietary Quantum Energy Vibration Technology chambers. These chambers infuse the frequencies of Tachyon energy (faster than light energies), The Sacred Tree of Life, the actual NASA frequency of the Sound of the Sun, sacred geometrics and chambers that activate harmonic fields of energy in the pendant. The human body sends signals of energy in the form of negative and positive ions from the brain through the nervous systems to our organs and our muscles and 5 senses. Our body is an electrical system. Our electrical charge and distribution of energy can get weakened for various reasons, which can cause a decline in our strength, balance and health. Hundreds of people have been scientifically tested for body voltage. Consistently, the data shows persons with health issues or low energy have low voltage. Wearing the stone pendant increases body voltage to much more holistic levels. The Source pendant multiplies energy, on average, by a factor of 2 to 5 but can go as high as 10 times depending on a persons base line. Levels above Source, pendants wrapped with silver and/or gold, raise the body voltage and frequency by a factor of 3 to 12 times, depending on the persons base line. To see further information about these pendants please see this catalog by David Sereda. (prices are outdated, but info is good) See our beautiful chains to go with your Vortex Quantum Pendant. Upon request additional programs may be added to this design.
  • Agrisept -L ® The Original Grapefruit Seed Extract

    This revolutionary Biogenic Grapefruit Seed Extract is antibacterial, antivirus, antifungal & Antiseptic. Its efficacy and its many uses are remarkable. It is primarily composed of a very powerful compound found in grapefruit seed. It addresses one of the main inhibitors to weight loss, which is Candida Albicans overgrowth.  A preventive treatment with Agrisetpt-L® that kills fungus is an excellent way to start a diet or weight loss program. Agrisept-L® has been laboratory tested with outstanding results.  This grapefruit seed extract has no known harmful side effects and is non-toxic. If you are taking Lipitor please consult your physician before taking grapefruit seed extract. Reasons people use Agrisept-L®
    • Candida
    • Yeast
    • Influenza
    • Sore Throats
    • Colds
    • Flu
    • Viral infections
    • Herpes
    • Parasites
    • Streptococcus
    • Fungus
    • Staphylococcus
    • Salmonella
    • Antibacterial issues
    • E.Coli
    • Tourista
    Other items such as energy tools may be very helpful in keeping the immune system sharp.
  • LST Wand Accessories

    You will need an amplifier and I-Pad to run the Wands by David Sereda.  If you would like help with those choices you may call us. If you'd like us to send the whole package, also call.  This price changes continually.  We do not make a profit on these items, we just help you get set up. It will say OUT OF STOCK because we must order these as you purchases the wand. Call 509-682-2383 for help.
  • Light Stream Level 1 Wand w/ Tourmaline Core & Rubies

    The Level I Wand comes with New Coil with Coil wire at the length of the Height of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (proven mathematically by David Sereda to be God's Great Pyramid) which is the same as the Holy of Holies of the Dead Sea Scrolls - and two Star Coils with a wire length equal to the height of the Staff of the Angel in the Bible Book of Ezekiel. Comes with David Sereda Harmonic programs and also acts as the best RIFE healing frequency transmitter we have tested to date.  Introducing a high power science and spirituality tool for energy balancing, healing, chakra activation water & food restructuring, and energy clearing of architectural spaces.  This wand is powerful and I believe you will be impressed.
  • UltraCell® Pet The new UltraCell® Pet is a full spectrum hemp CBD oil specifically for your furry family members! Your cats and dogs will love the delicious salmon flavor and you’ll love the easy-to-understand serving size that’s based on your pet’s weight.
  • Herbal Surface Disinfectant from Chelan Valley Botanicals

    Stay safe in a healthy way. 4 oz.
  • Hand Sanitizer from Chelan Valley Botanicals, 2 oz

      1 oz also available for $10
  • A moisturizing citrus based cleanser.

    Three Citrus Soap

    A great option for people that are frequently washing their hands. This soap is infused with a powerful blend of immune boosting essential oils.

    *Concentrated refills pouches coming soon. Save those bottles.

    Ingredients: Organic Citrus Castile Soap with Org. Argan, Jojoba and Hemp oils, Distilled Water, and essential oils of orange, blood orange and grapefruit.


    A very simple way to support your immune system.

    These essential oils smell so good, you might have a hard time believing they are working to help give your immune system a boost.  Essential oils are part of a plant or tree's immune support and they help humans in a similar way.  Adding 3-5 drops of this blend to your diffuser on a daily basis will add to your arsenal of cold and flu fighting tools.  Germs aren't bad, they just need to know their place.

    Key Ingredients:

    • Rosalina

    • Lemon

    • Lavender

    • Atlas cedarwood

    • Frankincense essential oils

  • Keep your Home Healthy Diffuser Blend-Chelan Valley Botanicals

    Take the proactive approach and use this diffuser blend during cold and flu season.   Essential oils often have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.  The oils in this synergistic blend were chosen for their ability to instill a sense of calm, kill germs, freshen the air you are breathing, reduce fatigue and support your respiratory health. 


    Ingredients: Essential oils of Atlas cedarwood, cypress, juniper berry, fir balsam, and lemon eucalyptus

  • For a more economical purchase try the 4 oz size.
  • This price has been adjusted to make up for the shipping charges you see with your purchase. It will be added to the normal shipping.  The total shipping you see on your purchase should be correct.
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    Who is Ganesh and what does he remind me of?

    Ganesha - Success

    Happy and kind-hearted, he aids all who call upon him. Remover of obstacles and a terrific source to turn to when starting new projects. He often grants success in all endeavors. Ganesh is one of the most worshiped Deities of Hinduism - often described as a “God of scholarship” and a “God For Every Person”. Traditionally, Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant, and like an elephant, Ganesh clears a path for the life of the devotee. He teaches us to enjoy the beauty and simplicity in everyday life. Ganesha symbolizes intellect and wisdom. He is considered the Lord of good fortune and brings energy to the root chakra representing survival, procreation, and fortune.  His placement in your home or office symbolizes support, wisdom, good fortune and bestows an ability to overcome life's obstacles.

  • Amber- “Solidified Sunshine”

    This beautiful organic gem – neither crystal nor mineral, is a protective resin that oozed from living trees in dense, prehistoric forests and fossilized over millions of years. As it drips down trees, it encapsulates insects, spiders, wood, feathers, and other small organisms and pieces of plant matter. As the resin hardens, it loses its volatile components used to protect the tree. Over 1000 extinct animal species and various types of plant matter have been identified in Amber!

    Worn and treasured by those even in the stone age, Amber is highly prized in the metaphysical world for its energetic and healing properties – and the life force it carries. It has a very strong connection to the sun and earth as well as ancient insects, plant matter, and other prehistoric organisms that are forever suspended within its golden structure.

     Amber attunes to ancient wisdom and can be a very powerful tool for re-discovering past lives, and is highly useful for clearing family patterns that are not healthy. It is known as a protective stone for children especially. It helps stabilize depression, eases the grieving process, and helps comfort those who feel lonely.

    Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain and disease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit by absorbing negative and stagnant energies by transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself.

     Amber increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. It is associated with and can help balance the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Amber can actually clear any environment in which is rests! It also provides a protective shield against negative energies and removes toxicity from one’s life and relationships.

    Wearing Amber on your body is an ideal way to absorb it’s beautiful benefits as you have direct access to its magnificent qualities. It is so helpful for those in pain, physically or emotionally, and is a wonderful protector gem for those who feel uneasy about their environment.

     The wonderful sunny energy it brings can remind us that the sun that once shone on our ancestors still shines upon us now today.

  • The Nautilus Shell is a living fossil that has survived in the Earths oceans for over 500 million years. Before the shell parted ways from its owner it was once the protective home to a distant cousin of the Octopus and Cuttlefish, a Cephalpod. The Nautilus shell is the emblem of beauty and proportional perfection and an example of Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of (Phi). 
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    Prehnite is often called ‘emotional soap’ because it is said to immediately help one clear emotional debris from the aura. This stone may restore balance and calmness for people with anxiety, sleep issues and hyper - activity. Being the “stone of prophecy and prediction”, it is said meditating with Prehnite stimulates dream - like visions of the future. This healing crystal has a very healing and protective energy! It may promote serenity, love, letting go, positive change, awakening, and knowledge in our day to day lives. It opens us to see the good in all things, assists us in staying in the current moment, and teaches us how to be in harmony with nature and the elements.

     Prehnite is an excellent healing crystal for those often working with plants and gardening, because it can create a healing sanctuary out of whatever atmosphere you're in - helping you and your plants live vibrantly! It is also considered a feng shui stone - it can help us declutter in our everyday life, and is especially motivating to those who have a tendency to hoard useless possessions or old loves. Prehnite can calm the desire to collect and to help you trust that the universe will provide. It is also known as the detoxifying stone, as it dissolves unpleasant feelings connected to us. It can help us to see our past in a different light, and can help us gently reflect on avoided images that need to be resolved. Also considered a stone of focus, it is known for its grounding, nurturing, peace, calm, and focusing properties. More names for Prehnite are “The stone of unconditional love” and “The healer’s healer”.

    Prehnite is also known to ease nightmares and phobias, and the mentally weary.  Increases perception levels, induces deep meditation, enhances the visual process, aligns us with peaceful vibrations, and facilitates heart - centered connection to all of creation.

    Prehnite is associated with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra, and it can bring peace, acceptance, and empathy into our lives.


    Citrine is often called the “Merchants Stone” or the “Success Stone” for the common practice of placing this stone at cash registers in stores. Citrine was originally named after citron, the French word for lemon. 

    This excellent healing crystal is known for eliminating negative energy - it can actually transform negative energy into positive energy. It cannot accumulate or hold negative energy! Therefore, it never has to be spiritually cleansed - in fact, it can cleanse other stones just by being around them!

    Citrine is widely known to attract success, stimulate mental power & focus, activate mind & body, provide energy, open the mind to new thoughts, and increase self- esteem & self confidence.  This crystal is said to induce happiness, joy, & positivity in life by eliminating negative vibrations and energies. Citrine is known to ease depression, anger, self doubt, and mood swings. It is honored as a stone that can help us eliminate fear and the negativities in  our lives.

    Citrine can help us with the restoration of broken relationships and families, to overcome emotional grief, & can aid us in clearly communicating our ideas and needs. 

    This sunny yellow healing crystal is perfect for those involved in business and money matters, as it can attract wealth to its wearer, as well as a sense of confidence, security, and most importantly - spiritual and physical abundance. It can encourage the fullness of life by encouraging manifestation, imagination, and personal will. 

    Citrine is comforting, energizing, and acts as a shield against negative vibrations. 

    This crystal can help us open our higher mind to accept joy and optimism, and remind us to enjoy new experiences and explorations. Citrine decreases sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity & self expression. It can help us heal issues of power abuse and feelings of helplessness. 

    Citrine is associated with the solar plexus and sacral chakras, but really, Citrine is known to align ALL the chakras.  This stone allows us to interpret the world through our own thoughts and emotions- and not live in fear of violating the views of others.

    Long article for this awesome stone! This will be perfect to go along with the listing of the prehnite and citrine pendant as well as the smokey and citrine & the ametrine and citrine ring.
  • Striped Flint from Poland

    Striped Flint is a type of chalcedony, a sedimentary rock composed of silica. This stone has been found in all countries of the world- since long ago, flint has been a part of human cultural evolution: as tool,  weapon, and fire starter. Indigenous peoples have used flint to help rid a location of spirits that are not welcome. It is considered a boundary stone.

    This healing stone improves consciousness and life force, helps flighty or disordered temperaments, and enhances clarity. It aligns our thoughts and feelings. This is a wonderful stone for those who do channeling, readings, or mediumship work, because it replenishes the spiritual life into the physical body! Striped Flint is associated with the root chakra, as it helps one feel more healthy and whole.

    This stone helps us to cut unhealthy ties for emotional stability in the long run. Striped flint can help with the success of businesses and managing money. It grounds the energy field it’s in to create a feeling of alignment and stability.  Flint also is associated with health and well being, and the acceptance of reality.

    5.5 cm×3cm
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    Smokey Quartz & Citrine Ring This Smokey Quartz and Citrine ring is AMAZING!! Smokey Quartz is a wonderful #groundingstone for bringing dreams into #manifestation on the physical plane. It has been known to relieve depression, tension, and anxiety. #citrine is great for clearing the aura and opening the conscious mind to intuition.
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    Zilis UltraEdge

    UltraEdge is a water soluble cognitive support product designed to help enhance your mental and physical productivity. UltraEdge contains a proprietary blend of powerful nootropics along with our exclusive Mimetix formula. UltraEdge is formulated to help with every aspect of mental acuity, performance, and cognition. Each serving is packed with the fuel necessary to help you perform at your optimal level, whether at work, home, or on the go. Ignite your mental potential, and get the edge you need to take on the day.

    The Mimetix Formula

    Typically, the conversation about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) revolves around phytocannabinoids alone. Mimetix takes ECS health to a whole new level. Mimetix is our full spectrum complex that includes: phytocannabinoid mimics, terpenes, beta-caryophyllene, alkamides, and cannabimimetics. Cannabimimetics are defined as compounds that have the same pharmacological impact on the ECS as the hemp plant. When combined in a full spectrum, water-soluble format the results are extraordinary.

    The System

    The endocannabinoid system is ever present in the human body. This complex network impacts many areas of health and is most abundant in the brain and immune system The ECS has been shown to be integral in body processes such as sleep, relaxation, and cognitive function. Through the production and use of natural endocannabinoids, the body regulates these systems. When production becomes slowed or impaired, cannabimimetic and phytocannibinoids, can supplement what the body may be lacking.

    Exclusive Technology

    As we all know, oil and water don't mix. This can be a challenge when taking oil-based supplements. UltraCell turns oil-based compounds into a water soluble format. Our exclusive technology has been proven in a clinical study to enhance the bioavailability of our oil supplements. Thanks to powerful technology, all of the benefits of UltraEdge are available to you at peak capacity.   2 oz Price too steep?  It's worth it. AND, click here to join to get this and other products at wholesale.
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    Larimar Metaphysical Properties 

    Larimar is only found in the Dominican republic in the Carribean. Discovered in 1916, it occurs in needle - like crystals, grown together as a solid mass, and forms in cavities within basaltic lava.  It is commonly known as the dolphin stone and the Atlantis stone.  

    Larimar facilitates the healing of unresolved issues, fears, and traumas. It eases emotional extremes and eases excessive passion into a proper place. This stone can cool hot tempers, relieve stress, and nurtures the physical and emotional bodies. It is especially helpful for the throat chakra, as it helps unleash the voice of ones deepest wisdom. It is an encouraging stone for those who have a passion for singing. Larimar is especially powerful in meditation and in connecting to the divine feminine. It helps release emotional bonds, patterns, and principles that no longer serve the highest good. 

    This is also a wonderful stone for mothers during and after pregnancy, as it helps relax the stress associated with new parenthood. It is also been known to help with hot flashes and stress related illnesses. 

    Larimar is also considered the stone of clear communication, as it provides the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the heart. It is often considered the stone of serenity, it promotes relaxation and provides a pleasant atmosphere. Wearing Larimar is said to create a fundamental awareness of the “all - rightness” of the world. It is said to help those with anger issues and may comfort those with feverishness due to its cooling effect. It is also said to halt self sabotaging behaviors. 

  • BAMBOO LUMINAIRE LAMP Though possessing a distinctly Asian design sensibility, the beauty of this lamp still manages to cross over with a broader appeal as well. It makes a lovely accent lamp, with it's soothing light and peaceful, zen-like image. A second, barely visible layer of bamboo branches, behind the first, adds depth, dimension, and character to the image. Four large Lithophane panels decorate this gorgeous accent is very versatile, as it can be placed low (on a night stand, for instance), high (on a bookshelf), or anywhere in between, and still look great! The lamp frame is made of durable steel, powder coated in a black semi-gloss finish, and features 4 protective “feet” on the bottom. The porcelain is non-porous, and washable with any common household cleaner. It will never fade or discolor; porcelain is timeless! Because it is a lithophane, the intricately textured porcelain surface is beautiful even when not lit. The two panels shown in the photo are repeated on the back two panels of the lamp.
  • ULTRACBG® PROPRIETARY FULL SPECTRUM HEMP CBG OIL Available exclusively from Zilis, Ultra CBG is a full spectrum, plant-based, water soluble hemp oil formulated to help promote strength, health, and balance throughout the body. Ultra CBG is a powerful cannabinoid with targeted benefits to support digestive health, among others. Every serving provides the phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids in a delicious hibiscus flower extract

  • The New Ultra System
    The Ultrasystem is a combination of Full Spectrum, hemp-derived Ultracell CBD and Ultra CBG providing you with a 30-day supply of product to promote healthy immune, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. CBD and CBG activate our CB1 and CB2 receptors creating the ultimate Entourage Effect. Optimal balance, optimal health. Balance your ECS with the hottest combo on the market–UltraCell® and UltraCBG™ together! Your order includes one combination pack of one (15ml) UltraCell Raw bottle and one (15ml) UltraCBG bottle. Take back your health with our UltraSystem.

    Would you like to purchase this and other Zilis products at wholesale? Shop HERE. At the top of the page there is a blue strip with my name on the left and "Join" and "Shop" on the right. If you go to "Join" you can sign up as an ambassador and purchase one of the packages offered at retail. (No registration fee) Each order after that will be priced at wholesale. Questions? Just give BeverLi or Crystal a call at Spirals. 509-682-2383

  • Willow Tree ® Angel of Healing

    "For those who give comfort with caring and tenderness."
  • Willow Tree ® Angel of Caring

    "Always there, listening with a willing ear and an open heart."
  • Willow Tree ® Angel of Harmony

    "In harmony with life's rhythms"
  • Willow Tree Angel of the Garden

    "Bringing forth a garden of love and beauty"
  • Willow Tree ® Good Health

    "An abundance of health and happiness"
  • Willow Tree ® Angel of the Kitchen

    Warm comfort between friends
  • Willow Tree Courage

    "Bringing a triumphant spirit, inspiration and courage"
  • Willow Tree Bright Star

    "Reflecting a light from within"
  • Willow Tree ® Just for You

    "With Sincere Thanks"
  • Willow Tree Blessings "Each day, unexpected Blessings"
  • Willow Tree ® Close to Me

    Apart or together, always close to me.
  • Willow Tree ® Angel of Hope

    Each day, hope anew.
  • Willow Tree ® You're the Best

    "Thank you for making a difference."
  • Willow Tree Lavender Grace

    "May all your senses be filled with healing grace"
  • Willow Tree ® Quiet Strength Memory Box

    "Always there for me."
  • Willow Tree ® Soar Figurine

    "a time to reflect, a time to soar."
  • Willow Tree ® Warm Embrace

    "Surrounded by the warmth of family and friends."
  • Willow Tree ® Thank You Figurine

    "So appreciative of all you do!"
  • Willow Tree ® Something Special

    "You make the world a better place."
  • Out of stock

    Willow Tree ® You and Me (darker skin and hair)

    "Every day, building on our love."
  • Willow Tree ® Joyful Child

    ".....nurtured by your loving care.
  • Willow Tree ® Imaginative Child (darker skin & hair) ".... nurtured by your loving care"
  • Willow Tree ® Figurine ~ Shine "You have a radiant inner light"
  • Willow Tree ® Gracious Figurine

    "A warm welcome from me to you."
  • Willow Tree You're the Best Ornament

    Thank you for making a difference. Front view of angel ornament with brown hair in high pony tail leaning forward and holding a red apple up to her face with both hands. Brown string attached to top of angel ornament.
  • Willow Tree Figurine

    Appreciating where you are...each step along the way. Girl in light blue dress holding hands to her face.
  • Willow Tree ® Lots of Love Ornament

    Woman in a white dress holding a silver heart. Perfect for the tree or standing on her own.
  • Willow Tree Lots of Love

    Ever close to my heart. Willow tree woman figurine in a white dress holding a silver heart in her hands.
  • Willow Tree Magnolia Figurine

    Willow Tree Magnolia Figurine ~ A gathering of blessings
  • Butterfly

    Resilient, determined, courageous and beautiful...You have the qualities to transform your world.
  • Willow Tree Everyday Blessings

    May you be blessed with beauty and wonder every day.
  • Inquisitive Child

    ....nurtured by you loving care. Beautiful in a family grouping or standing alone, this figure reminds us of the inquisitiveness in all of us.
  • Out of stock
    Shiva Lingam are a sacred stone of the Indian Hindu religion, that will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body. To improve your overall health these stones are powerful as they stimulate the energy system of the entire body, and will aid an overall improvement in your health and well-being.
  • This healing stone can alleviate tension, harboring the delicate energy of harmony. It can help one begin anew in this lifetime. Balance your chakras and fight against body pain. Let go of toxins. Stimulate  conscious attunement to the highest level. Activate and open the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.
  • Introducing Norma NormaL

    This book is about a very unique child who has not lost her wild spirit, and nurtures the wilderness around her.   The caution on the cover says it all: Warning, This book includes, Running around naked, Eating bugs, and Caring for the planet.  If read, it may result in a new sense of NormaL.”
    Norma NormaL can help parents and children broach subjects of environmental stewardship and to talk about the wild parts that live within them. 
    Reading this, may make your life more interesting and improve your capacity to behave "outside the box", and inside the ecosystem.
    Expected release date, end of October.  Enjoy this Introductory pre-sale price of $20 until 10/15.  Yes, the regular price will also be $20, but act now and also get a bag of Organic Honey Crisp apples picked and dried with love by the author.
  • Sweet Lavender Aromatherapy Spray

    Ingredients of Sweet Lavender: Pure organic lavender essential oil, distilled water, and a touch of organic grape alcohol.  Shake gently before spraying to mix the essential oils.  4 fl oz Made by J Gecko Herbal
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    Dog Calming Spray "Peaceful Pup"

    Spray your wild pup with several spritzes of this dog calming spray, and experience a peaceful pup!  Spray your dogs bed and favorite spots to hang out.  Dogs find this scent particularly soothing and calming; it may induce mild lethargy. Ingredients:  Essential oils of organic sweet marjoram, organic vetiver, valerian, organic lavender, and organic sweet orange in a base of distilled water, glycerin, and organic grape alcohol. Made by J Gecko Herbals 2 fl oz If you have calmed your dog but its time to wake your self up you may want to try the "I don't wanna wake up....but I gotta" spray.
  • Out of stock

    Gardeners Hand Therapy | Lavender Gardener's Balm

    For the ultimate gardeners hand therapy try Lavender Gardener's Balm. Ingredients:  Calendula blossoms infused in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Fair Trade Shea Butter, Local Beeswax, Vitamin E, Organic Lavender Essential Oil. Use on dry skin, skin irritations, and just plain hard working hands. Made by J Gecko Herbals 2 oz. Another delightful product by J Gecko, the Pain in the Neck rub!
  • Blessed Heart Cross

    3″x3″ Multicolor Raku hearts with assorted hand carved and stamped designs.  Comes with a gift box and info card that says: Blessed is the heart that looks to above Blessed is the heart that knows his great love Blessed is the heart that with faith make the call Blessed is the heart that with thanks, receives it all


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