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    Buddha Journal

    Creative hand-bound journal with elastic closure. 5" x 7" - 80 pages.
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    Owl Journal

    Creative hand-bound journal with elastic closure. 5" x 7" - 80 pages.
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    Hamsa Journal

    Creative hand-bound journal with elastic closure. 5" x 7" - 80 pages.
  • Hardback Fairy Journal

    Creative hand-bound journal with elastic closure. 5" x 7" - 80 pages.
  • Hardback White Owl / Goddess Journal

    5" x 7"
  • What to Expect Using Sound Essences

    Generally, something is noticed or felt within two to six weeks.  Some people will notice the effects almost immediately.  All essences work subtly.  The essences work to transform life on a deep level and because they are so subtle sometimes this transformation may not be directly noticed.  Others may be the first to call attention to these changes in attitudes or behaviors.  Some people may begin to find their old behaviors and attitudes uncomfortable, and adopt new ones without resistance.  This increased consciousness then becomes the tool for change.  Essences are not "a quick fix." They are strengtheners of the soul forces that enable growth and wisdom from life's challenges.  They invoke a healing journey, and are the allies and guides along the way.  The essences are not intended to painlessly wipe away problems or provide instant fixes.  They are support for shifting frequencies. Spiral Energy Aura Harmonizer Mist works with the geometric patterns of nature to facilitate peace, ease and emits an energy of love and wholesomeness.  The chord DFA# releases old thoughts and patterns and embraces new perceptions towards expansion of awareness for spiritual growth.  The symbol of Cho Ku Rei powerfully yet gently raises the vibratory state of the energy field, offering comfort and ease as you spray above you or walk through the mist.
  • How to Use Sound Essence

    Taking small doses regularly throughout the day is the most effective use of Sound Essences.  Recommended dosage for essences is four times a day, keeping  the vibration constantly available for absorption in the energy field.  It is important to shake the essence bottles to energize them before use.  This activates the life force of the essence and attunes the vibration of the essence to the user. Aura Joy Harmonizer is infused with 12 notes, 12 colors, 17 gemstones, 5 platonic shapes, 7 ancient chakra symbols and an aromatherapy blend that is likened to the angels singing.  It invokes a sense of calm, peace and resoluteness. Misting Aura Joy harmonizes the auric field of the body as well as energy in a room or building.
  • Stargate Aura Harmonizer Mist

    The energy of love fills my life.  Stargate Aura Harmonizer is created in honor of the number six, the optimally functional hexagon, which represent harmony, balance, synthesis and unconditional love.  The hexagon is the symbol for the heart chakra, the meeting of the three higher (spiritual) chakras with the three lower (physical) chakras in the heart center (emotional) substantiating our three dimensional existence.  These interlacing triangles of the hexagon symbolize the opposing forces in nature: the centrifugal and centripetal and when combined these opposing forces create the Tube Torus believed to be responsible for the creation of the universe.  Hidden in the hexagonal containment and is used as a vehicle for inter-dimensional travel. The Merkaba is in the center of every cell, the Akashic Records from which all life springs.  Stargate is designed to remind the cells of their original healthy blueprint and to free themselves of any mutant programming which was once responsible for sickness and disease.  This Stargate Aura Harmonizer is infused with the not G# for awakening your spiritual consciousness and supporting you on your life's journey. If offers you the trust to take a chance to go after your heart's desire.  It will take you away!!

    What are Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences?

    Creation or manifestation takes place when a concept or a belief is transmitted from its source in the higher levels and then transduced down into the more dense levels of the auric field creating our own reality. Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences are subtle energy remedies created from the healing vibration of notes and chords from various instruments.  These essences are jointly charged with the information imprint of chosen crystals and gemstones, flower essences, sacred geometry, ancient symbology and other various healing vibrations from nature. Love in a Mist Aura Harmonizer simultaneously balances all the meridians and the chakras as it is centered with the Note F of the heart chakra.  This tone generates the awareness that the most powerful energy you have is Love.  When you are in your heart, you love who you are and live in the present.  Enjoy the symphony of Vibration in a Bottle as you spray above you or walk through the mist.  
  • What are Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences?

    Creation or manifestation takes place when a concept or a belief is transmitted from its source in the higher levels and then transduced down into the more dense levels of the auric field creating our own reality. Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences are subtle energy remedies created from the healing vibration of notes and chords from various instruments.  These essences are jointly charged with the information imprint of chosen crystals and gemstones, flower essences, sacred geometry, ancient symbology and other various healing vibrations from nature. Simply mist the Aura Harmonizer sound Essence above and in front of yourself and step under the falling mist.
  • What is the Aura?

        Aura is life.  It is the energy that operates our physical body.  The auric field exists in different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the color fields they emit.  Each layer of the auric field is a body just as real and alive as the physical body.  Each layer is a mini world with its own sense of purpose.  The magic of the auric field is in how these mini worlds intertwine and dance with one another.  These layers interconnect with one another determining our experience with our physical reality.

    The physical body is surrounded by an ovoid emanation made up of seven layers of the auric field. The seven bands of the auric field can be divided into two planes: the physical and the spiritual.  The physical plane of the auric field is composed of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional and Mental level supported by Aura Haromonizer Sound Essences Aura Joy, Spiral Energy and Secrets of the Universe.  The astral plane is the bridge between the spiritual and the physical levels of the auric field and supported by Love in a Mist.  The spiritual levels are the Etheric Template, Celestial level, and Ketheric supported by Infinity, Flower of Life and Stargate. 

  • What Are Sound Essences? Sound Essences are subtle energy remedies created from the healing vibration of sound.  Each Sound Essence holds vibrational information that supports the vitality of the human energy system.  These information therapies all resonate at various frequencies and interface with any field that is lacking vibration.  Vibrational information is as vital to our energy system as air and water are to our physical system. This Secrets of the Universe Vibrational Medicine remedy assists to clear you of your old ways of doing things and supports you in creating a sustainable way of being with a sense of knowing who you are and why you are here, and connecting with others in a flourishing, beneficially healthy relationship.
  • Snow Angel Sound Essence

    For Attracting more Fun in Your Life

    Mist the Sound Essence Snow Angel Aura and State: I am ready to have fun and play! A am free to be me. A am revived.  
  • Root Chakra Mist

    This Sound Essence Root Chakra Mist assists in balancing and grounding the emotional body. Root Chakra Mist - Note C - location - base of the spine Vitality / Courage / Self-Confidence Mist the Root Chakra Sound Essence and state: I can do it!! I am rooted in life and in myself. I am safe, stable, and secure throughout this transformation.  
  • Sacral Chakra Mist

    The Sacral Chakra Sound Essence mist assists in balancing our emotional body. Sacral Chakra Mist - Note D - location - in hip region Happiness / Confidence / Resourcefulness Mist the Sacral Chakra Sound Essence and state: I enjoy the simple pleasures in life!! I open myself to others naturally. My creative and sexual energies have the power to create and transform. (Read more below)  
  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    The Solar Plexus Chakra Sound Essence Mist assists to Balance our emotional body. Solar Plexus Chakra Mist - Note E - location - in the gut Wisdom / Clarity / Self Esteem Mist the Solar Plexus Chakra Sound Essence and state: I like who I am... as I am!! I accept myself completely. My personal power is growing stronger everyday. (Read below for more)
  • Heart Chakra Mist

    The heart chakra Sound Essence mist assists to balance the emotional body. Heart Chakra Mist - Note F - location - in the chest Balance / Love / Self-Control Mist the Heart Chakra Sound Essence and state: I Love Life!! I am an open channel for divine love. I open my heart and share it with others. I know my new desired outcome is one with the good of all. (Read below for more)
  • Throat Chakra Mist The throat chakra Sound Essence Mist assists to Balance our emotional body. Throat Chakra Mist - Note G - location - throat Knowledge / Health / Communication Mist and state: I am heard!! I express myself self freely and easily. I communicate my thoughts clearly and effectively to stay true to myself. (Read more below)  
  • Brow Chakra Mist

    The brow chakra Sound Essence mist assists to balance the emotional body. Brow Chakra Mist - Note A - location is at the forehead Intuition / Mysticism / Understanding Mist the Brow Chakra Sound Essence and state: I rely on my intuition!! I am perfectly attuned to my vision. I move towards my vision with clarity and insight. (Read below for more)  
  • Crown Chakra Mist Sound Essence Chakra Balancer Crown Chakra Mist - Note B - location - top of the head Beauty / Creativity / Inspiration Mist the Crown Chakra Sound Essence and state: I am one with creation!! I know why I am here. I am consciously living my divine purpose. (Read more below)
  • Yin/Yang

    Success and Support Manifesting Abundandance
  • Ministerial Fire

    Circulation/Sex and Triple Warmer Joy/Love - Maintaining Balance in Life
  • Earth

    Sympathy/Empathy Choices for the Highest Good of All
  • Water

    Fear/Anxiety Opening Space for Enlightenment
  • Wood

    Anger/Rage Managing Stress
  • Metal

    Grief/guilt/Release Living in the Moment
  • Sovereign Fire

    Heart/Small Intestine Joy/Love - Prioritizng
  • michael statue

    Archangel Michael Vibrational Mist

    Mighty and powerful in the ways of the Lord,  Michael comes to set us free from pain, fear, and old stories, opening our hearts to the truth of the amazing beings that we are . Michael awakens our memory of truth. We are powerful Children of the Most High! Wise, abundant, loving, and creative. We are entitled to love, respect and support. Michael'ls Solar Plexus Activation opens a base of Trust, Safety and Connection so we can personally experience the Divine Presence that is with us always. Michael said, "I am the power of Truth. I come to shine the light of truth into the darkness of illusion My sword is razor-sharp honesty slashing away false concepts, beliefs and self images to reveal your magnificent Self. My orb is the presence of truth - self-realization manifest in you. While my armor and sword may seem harsh, I am the champion of your true Being. At times, a savage slaughter of illusion is necessary to awaken you to truth. Underlying this force is the tenderest love I protect your true Being with fierce devotion and a tender embrace." Invite Archangel Michael to Activate your Divine Heritage of safety and trust. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by Archangel Michael.
  • Archangel Metatron Vibrational Mist

    Archangel Metatron is here to help leaders come out of hiding to step forward in truth and wisdom. His Activation of the Ascension Chakra at the back of our heads increases the flow of Divine Love to hep us shift our focus from fearful and judgmental thoughts of the lower mind. Divine Love dissolves who we are not and elevates our consciousness to truth. When the Ascension Chakra opens, our ability to align with Divine Will is enhanced. Body, emotions, mind, intuition, and soul align to serve our true Being in joy, love, and delight. Archangel Metatron is a vast complex being of great power. He serves many functions including head of the archives, also known as the Akashic Records. Sacred geometry manifests through Metatron's Cube, and helps us to journey beyond time and space into the eternal now.  Hebrew wisdom says that he was not always an angel, but was once known as Enoch. Your inner most thoughts create your outer reality through magnetic attraction. Invite Metatron to elevate your thinking and consciousness, opeing you to greater awareness of your soul purpose and life calling. Metatron said, "create from your heart through love and the rewards will be great." This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by the Archangel Metatron.
  • Archangel Gabriel Vibrational Mist

    Archangel Gabriel brings the rememberance of your soul calling and life purpose. Gabriel Activates the Soul Star just above your head, and your crown chakra. Pure transcendental light flows down from the Heavens, from God, and your true Being through your soul Soul Star, and Into your body and life. Your path is illumined. The way is made clear. Very great are the resources and treasure that flow to you, empowering your soul calling. One of Archangel Gabriel's many jobs is to bring good news to those who are being called to spiritual mission, He appeared to Mother Mary with the remembrance of her mission as the birth mother of Jesus.  Gabriel watched over the prophet Muhammad and provided the sacred text. Gabriel influenced Zoroaster who founded monotheism and was a great angelologist. Angel Gabriel was one of the voices that inspired and guided Joan of Arc. When you are ready, Gabriel announces the duties of your spiritual destiny. Sometimes in bright, dramatic visions, and sometimes in quiet gentle ways that you discover over time. Pray each night for Gabriel to enfold you in his Resurrection Flame so you can awaken renewed and triumphant living upward into your soul destiny. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by Archangel Gabriel.
  • Archangel Raphael Vibrational Mist

    Archangel Raphael comes with love and compassion to heal your deepest wounds. Raphael said, "The Children of Light are sensitive, tender, empathic beings who often choose illness as the path of awakening." Raphael heals our physical bodies, emotions, and mind through Divine Love. He activates a facet of the heart that makes Self Love possible! This energy center receives waves of Love allowing you to feel how loved and treasured you are. Experiencing Divine Love, you earn to love yourself. Self Love brings deep and profound healing so you may thrive. As you heal, Raphael calls you into service. Archangel Raphael said, "I am he who cures. God cures through me. You are my heart and hands in this world. Most of the Children of Light cannot yet see me or perceive my presence. So I turn to you, calling to my Children who walk the earth. Take my hand. Remember who you truly are. You have a unique calling and abiities. We have come to awaken your dormant healing abilities and sleeping heart. Are you ready?" Invite Archangel Raphael to activate your Healers Heart and Hands, allowing your hands to become luminous tools for Raphael's healing energy to flow through. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by the Archangels.
  • Archangel Jophiel Vibrational Mist

    Jophiel, the Angel of Creative Power, guides us to discover the Light within. Jophiel's "Quickening Activation expands your ability to connect with God and Home, opening pathways to receive Divine Guidance. Archangel Jophiel said, "There is no need to suffer from lack with an abundance of creative power available for the asking  God wants us to join in co-creation, sharing the joy of directing energy into form.  Seed ideas from the Divine are in the wind for us to catch and then nourish, energize and externalize." Creating with the heavenly host is a remarkable experience. Jophiel helps you to receive and manifest in this world. Ask Archangel Jophiel to fill you with divine visions of what you desire. Jophiel will gather the perfect angel team to support your co-creative process. You are a unique, beloved Child of Light. You were born with special gifts and abilities Jophiel activates the centger of co-creativity in the third-eye to allow you to see the visions that God would have you manifest. You have choice what you are creating ! Choose to create from love, truth and from the blueprints of the Divine Every thought, word spoken, and action in this world is a creation. Choose well. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by Archangel Jophiel.
  • Archangel Chamuel Vibrational Mist

    Chamuel means "he who seeks God." Are you a seeker of the Divine? Then Archangel Chamuel is guiding you. Archangel Chamuel anchors the power of adoration from Heaven where there is only a constant rhythm of praise and joy. "Lo, I AM Chamuel. I am with you, even until the close of this age. This is the age of Love - of oneness, of unity, of truth. You are a Child of Light. I come as the cosmic parent to hold you as you battle to wake up from the dream of separation into the bright light of who you are! You are love. You are joy, sweetness, compassion. You are truth. You have come into this body to assist with the dawning Golden Age of Enlightenmentg for humanity. You are cherished, loved, and treasured. The dream of human life is confusing. You are stripped of memory and resources, then sent forth to accomplsih massive tasks.  And you succeed! Through impossible situations, you reconnect with your true qualites and Being. You find a way to tap into the heavenly treasury to access everthing needed. Such is the path of human existence."  Ask Chamuel to activate worthiness and adoration in your heart. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by the Archangels.
  • Archangel Uriel Vibrational Mist

    Archangel Uriel brings Service, Divine Intervention, Benediction

    Uriel means Light of God. "I AM Uriel - Archangel -Angel Lord. I am a powerful Being of the All Mighty - powerful beyond imagining. Yet that power is love. It is the most powerful in all of creation - and it is tender, kind, gentle, compassionate. It is I who responds with my legions of angels when you cry out for help. We watch over you, patiently waiting for those moments of desperation when you reach out for us. That is how it is in the beginning of our relationship. As you grow and mature spiritutally, as you awaken and feel the calling of your soul into the service of God, it is I who responds, guiding you to become an Angel on Call. An earth angel. You are literally an Angel. There is a divine plan operating in your life, buiding you. I work closely with your Guardian Angel, your soul, our true Being and your team of angels. We are helping you awaken to the truth of who you are. You are a great and glorious Being of Light. Feel that truth!" Ask Uriel to upgrade your earthly equipment and energy field so you can receive his Benediction Activation. This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by the Archangel Uriel.
  • Peace Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Peace Vibrational Mist brings Rejuvenation, Compassion & Awakening. Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Chamuel Blessing and state:
    • I am generous and relaxed
    • I am peace
    • I am one
    Dissolving fear and making way for love, Peace is a remedy of  expansion and awakening. It allows us to experience love as a vital force in our lives and dissipates feelings of separation from self and others. It helps us move beyond ego so we may appreciate others as we appreciate ourselves. Promoting calm and faith in oneself, Peace activates the thymus gland, helping to effectively handle stress.  It enables us to see ourselves as calm and relaxed in stressful situations. When we feel harmonious and balanced, peace radiates out impacting relationships, communities and the world at large. Peace reminds us to take a breath; to be still and awaken to our heart's desire. From this place, we are fully available to respond to whatever ilfe presents. Namaste: The love in me honours the love in you. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.  
  • Abundance Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Abundance Vibrational Mist brings Courage, Acceptance & Manifestation. A Symphony of Vibration in a bottle. Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Gabriel Blessing and state:
    • What gifts are in store for me today!
    • And how will I find them and what weill they look like?
    • I am open to radical trust!
    • What else is possible?
    Abundance, represented by the colorful pin wheel, symbolizes the kaleidoscope of life's gifts coming to you from all directions. Every color splaying avenues of abundance; plentifulness of all the good things in life. It bestows the ability  to see the beauty in everything, seeing with the heart, not with the eyes. Abundance is infused with the chord of perfect unity, CEG, which enhances the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us, rendering harmony and unity. This higher frequency creates what is called "the law of attraction" which refers to the things we attract to ourselves and opens us up to a wealth of possibilites. When you are in tune with your goals, you lack resistance and turbulence, you are in the flow. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.
  • Gratitude Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Gratitude Vibrational Mist brings Self-Worth, Receiving & Transformation ~ A symphony of vibration in a bottle. Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Raphael Blessing and state:
    • I am content and blessed!
    • I am surrounded by those that bring out the best in me
    • I have all that I need.
    Gratitude Sound Essence blend dissolves blocks in abundance consciousness and replenishes consciousness with trust in the universe for the good of all.  It transforms attitudes of scarcity into ones of worthiness, willingness to receive and appreciation of the bountiful gifts provided bythe universe everyday.  It is infused with the pulsating electrical energy, which emits the strongest power in the universe, the power of love. This Aura Mist helps to re-instate the gentle forces of self-love and bring peacefulness and calm to relationships. Contentment and stillness replace the anxiety of "needing" which brings awareness and wonderment for this living moment. The green heart with the red flowers symbolizes the acceptance of gifts from others and the universe. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.  
  • Cherish Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Cherish Vibrational Mist brings Unconditional Love, Vulnerability & Admiration ~ A Symphony of Vibration in a Bottle. Mist the Sound Essence "Cherish" and state:
    • I adore who I am
    • I feel great affection for my life
    • I shine
    Cherish is a remedy for embracing softer, vulnerable feelings without personal power being compromised. It is a powerful heart cleanser and strengthener for those willing to experience love and adoration. The soul learns to fill itself from within with strong spiritual forces, so that the capacity to love another is based on the ability to honour and nourish Self. From a center of Self Love, one can then project this deep caring affection into the environment with friends and family. Cherish teaches us to open gently by learning to identify and a cept thed softer side of ourselves. This creates boundaries that are inclusive rather than exclusive, reminding us of our essential strength which incluedes our most sensitive and gentle aspects. The ability to feel and embrace the warm, loving presence of maternal love is the very gift of Cherish. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.
  • Forgiveness Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Forgiveness Vibrational Mist brings Non-Judgment, Humility & Expansion ~ A symphony of vibration in a bottle. Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Jophiel Blessing and state:
    • I open my heart
    • I forgive
    • I accept what is
    Forgiveness is a remedy showing you what you are really capable of.  When we withhold forgiveness, the energy in our heart becomes blocked. The forgiveness remedy helps us to assimilate the life experience and frees us to view reality through the window of the Heart, dissolving self-righteousness. Initially, learning to nurture and accept ourselves, and to build self-esteem is a pathway to the souls understnding of its own sacredness and divinity. Once self-actualized, we naturally shift our attention to the world around us, learning to accept differences and recognize the good in others. We come to understand that love has no limits; it is an infinite resource, available to everyone, all the time. This understanding promotes unconditional love and helps us to stay centered in our hearts. Forgiveness offers the sacred gift of unity. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.
  • Passion Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Passion Vibrational Mist brings Acceptance, Enthusiasm & Freedom ~ a symphony of vibration in a bottle. Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Metatron Blessing and state:
    • I embrace my life experiences
    • I am available and present
    • I lighten up and let go.
    Passion is a remedy for lightening up and letting go. Embracing what is, even when it's painful, can lead to an exquisite experience of ecstasy. It guides us to a place of being fully alive in the moment. Passion invites us to relinquish control and release tensizon, allowing us to express ourselves freely and easily to experience the magic of this moment, right here, right now. An excellent remedy for releasing past grievances and not worrying about the future, it helps us to experience ourselves and our world as this moment is the only moment there truly is. Passion helps manifest and execute goals, offering the ability to translate goals and ideas into concrete action and viable activities. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.
  • Believe Heart Tones Vibrational Mist

    This Believe Vibrational Mist brings Surrender, Trust & Guidance ~ A symphony of vibration in a bottle. Shift your frequency with a blend of flowers, sound, colour, crytals and aroma by misting your energy field with this Sound Essence.
  • MicroStimula Connector Wires To be used with Technical Application MicroStimula
  • Vibrational Healing for Global Community

    ▪ Has a deep calming effect supporting emotional balance, not letting things that are out of your control to become upsetting.<- ▪ It’s grounding offers mental clarity to focus on what's important in the moment. ▪ It aligns us without higher consciousness in knowing that all is well with the unseen and unknown development of our globe and cosmic world. ▪ The vibration of this remedy targets the organs and glands most susceptible and offers balance to the chakras and auric field. ▪ Hidden in the formulation are the messages of I love, be mine, vitality and longevity. ▪ The aroma supporting this remedy is designed especially for immunity and guiding us all on our soul’s journey.

    How to use Vibrational Immunity for Global Community

    1. Mist above and in front of yourself and step into the falling mist
    2. Mist the doorways of your house for those entering and leaving
    3. Mist your home
    4. Mist your car seat Vibrational Remedies are misted 3- 4 times a day but can be enjoyed much more often. Because these remedies are simply vibration you can not over use them.
    Ingredients: Canadian Water, Grain Alcohols as preservative Sound: 12 notes Colour: 12 colours Crystals: Amber, Amethyst, Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Goldstone, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Sodalite, Silver, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lemon, Rosemary Herbs:Frankincense Symbols: Sai Sanjeenini Healing Prayers Sacred Geometry: Five Platonic Shapes. Selenite, Sai Sanjeenini prayer card broadcast, three symbols of self love, life force energy and longevity,  five platonic shapes,  rose quartz for crystal transmission of healing vibrational love and a wee bit of frankincense herb for spiritual awakening, guiding us all on our soul’s journey. I married this blend with the 12 notes, 12 colours and 17 gemstones used in my most popular Aura Joy blend. This is the highest vibration of any remedy that I have created to date.   
  • Willow Tree ® Lots of Love Ornament

    Woman in a white dress holding a silver heart. Perfect for the tree or standing on her own.
  • Silk ShimmerZ

    It's your turn to sparkle! 100% Natural Silk ShimmerZ - sparkling hair strands that create a magical aura - flashes of shifting glitter, illumination and dazzle! These 18 and 36", silk strands are very thin and light. Once applied, they feel just like your own hair. Silk ShimmerZ are the one and only Silk Hair ShimmerZ strands that last in your  hair for months. Even as you flat iron, color, blow dry and wash your hair on a regular basis – SilkShimmerZ continue to Sparkle, Shimmer and Shine! Let Gayle gently apply them to your hair. The cost is $3.00 per tie or 10 for $28.  They come in a large array of colors to choose from.  Call Spirals now to schedule a time.  509-682-2383. Allow around 20 minutes. You can pay here or at the time  of the service.
  • Agrisept -L ® The Original Grapefruit Seed Extract

    This revolutionary Biogenic Grapefruit Seed Extract is antibacterial, antivirus, antifungal & Antiseptic. Its efficacy and its many uses are remarkable. It is primarily composed of a very powerful compound found in grapefruit seed. It addresses one of the main inhibitors to weight loss, which is Candida Albicans overgrowth.  A preventive treatment with Agrisetpt-L® that kills fungus is an excellent way to start a diet or weight loss program. Agrisept-L® has been laboratory tested with outstanding results.  This grapefruit seed extract has no known harmful side effects and is non-toxic. If you are taking Lipitor please consult your physician before taking grapefruit seed extract. Reasons people use Agrisept-L®
    • Candida
    • Yeast
    • Influenza
    • Sore Throats
    • Colds
    • Flu
    • Viral infections
    • Herpes
    • Parasites
    • Streptococcus
    • Fungus
    • Staphylococcus
    • Salmonella
    • Antibacterial issues
    • E.Coli
    • Tourista
    Other items such as energy tools may be very helpful in keeping the immune system sharp.
  • Inquisitive Child

    ....nurtured by you loving care. Beautiful in a family grouping or standing alone, this figure reminds us of the inquisitiveness in all of us.
  • Willow Tree You're the Best Ornament

    Thank you for making a difference. Front view of angel ornament with brown hair in high pony tail leaning forward and holding a red apple up to her face with both hands. Brown string attached to top of angel ornament.
  • Willow Tree ® Imaginative Child (darker skin & hair) ".... nurtured by your loving care"
  • Willow Tree ® Joyful Child

    ".....nurtured by your loving care.
  • Always with me, full of personality!

  • Gather & Make Plant-Based Projects by Genevieve Layman

    Gather & Make is an award winning, newly published, one-of-a-kind book. The book provides step-by-step instructions for activites that encourage lively engagement with plants. Three easy-to-create, affordable activites are featured for every month of the year. Each activity in Gather & Make is carefull selected to harmonize with the rhythms of the season in a way that connects plants and nature around us. Gather & Make offers useful tipsd for planting and maintaining all the plants featured in the book, including useful gardening guidelines and techniques. Genevieve is a Horticulture Therapist in Portland, OR.  I believe you will love experiencing this book.
  • Wall Art Raku Hummingbird

    *The Raku hummingbird symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. Those who have the hummingbird as a totem are invited to enjoy the sweetness of life, lift up negativity wherever it creeps in and express love more fully in their daily endeavors. This fascinating bird is capable of the most amazing feats despite its small size, such as traveling great distances or being able to fly backwards. By affinity with the hummingbird, those who have this bird as totem may be encouraged to develop their adaptability and resiliency while keeping a playful and optimistic outlook.

    Hummingbird Meaning

    The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability. Additional symbolic meanings are:
    • Lightness of being, enjoyment of life
    • Being more present
    • Independence
    • Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
    • Lifting up negativity
    • Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
    • Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly

    The hummingbird and the enjoyment of life

    If the hummingbird shows up in your life as a spirit animal, it may remind you to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and take time to enjoy yourself. The hummingbird’s wisdom carries an invitation to take part in and draw to you life’s sweetness, like you would drink the nectar of your own flower. The call of the hummingbird totem will guide you to open up to love and lightness in your emotional life. When you see your totem, you are encouraged to open up your heart and expose yourself more to joy and love. It might be time to show how you feel to loved ones or people who are close to you.

    Fun Fact:

    The hummingbird and the power of swiftness and flexibility

    The hummingbird is one of the most fascinating birds because of its ability to move its body swiftly, change direction quickly and smoothly, seemingly gliding from one place to another. By affinity with this power animal, you can be encouraged to use or develop a similar skill. When the hummingbird shows up in your life, it may be an invitation to flex you path, perhaps even bending backward or forward, in order to accommodate life’s circumstances. You may be required to adapt to a situation that is a bit more demanding than usual. The wisdom carried by this spirit animal emphasizes flexibility and lightness in your approach to the unexpected.

    The hummingbird, a power animal indicative of strong sensibility

    By association with the hummingbird power animal, you may have already developed a strong adaptability and are typically quick to respond to any demand. You may also have a high sensibility and feel every nuances of emotions or movement in your environment. Brought to the extreme, this ability may lead you to emotional instability as you shift rapidly from one feeling or mood to another without warning. The hummingbird totem wisdom could challenge you to figure out how to stand strong while being able to move quickly and fly high, whether it’s through your personal or spiritual aspirations.

    How to use the hummingbird spirit guide to lift up negativity

    The spirit of the hummingbird is a powerful mean to lighten up your mood when you feel down. This power animal is a useful ally to lift you up and instill more joy and playfulness in your daily grind. When facing challenges or an environment plagued by negativity, call on the hummingbird to help you bring a positive outlook on the situation and find your way out with optimism.

    The hummingbird totem and the wisdom of accomplishing great feats

    Don’t be deceived by the size of this spirit animal: Even if the hummingbird is one of the smallest birds, it can travel great distances. Those who have that bird as totem are characterized by their resiliency and their ability to run great distances tirelessly. Inspired by this totem, you will be inclined to accomplish what seems impossible to most while keeping it light and enjoyable. The hummingbird is known for burning a lot of energy quickly to keep flying and therefore needs to find sources of food constantly. If you have the hummingbird as a totem, you may benefit from resting often and taking time to feed yourself with enough, whether it’s physically, emotionally or spiritually, to keep going.

    Dreaming About The Hummingbird

    A hummingbird in your dreams is often considered a good omen as it brings luck. The hummingbirds graceful and quick motions are considered a symbol of accomplishing your goals quickly and effectively. While the hummingbird may be small, it brings the message that even small things can have great power. Hummingbird asks you not to judge something by its size. Even the smallest idea can have great power! What might you have overlooked? The hummingbird moves quickly here there and everywhere. This frequent and fast movement has been symbolic of freedom. If hummingbird shows up in your dreams, it may be asking you to see if your freedom is being caged somewhere in your life.
    *Thank you Elena Harris, Editor for this description of hummingbird energy.
    This 5" raku hummingbird tile comes in gift box.  
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    Raku Healer's Hand Tile

    The Healer’s Hand, also known as the Shaman’s Hand, is an ancient symbol of healing and protection. The image consists of a hand with a spiral palm and it is believed to have come from the Native American solar hieroglyphs that have been found in a number of places in the south-western part of the United States. The spiral is a universally accepted symbol of eternity and in some traditions, it also symbolizes the deity or the Spirit. When the solar spiral is used to the make the shape of a hand, the resulting figure is believed to be infused with therapeutic energy. Therefore, the Healer’s Hand is considered to be representative of the curative powers of a Shaman. In the modern times, the Healer’s Hand has come to be associated with new age spiritual healing practices such as Reiki. Reiki involves healing people at physical, emotional and spiritual levels by manipulating and guiding life-force energy through symbols. These symbols are created by the Reiki practitioner by moving his/her hands over the client’s body in specified patterns. The Healer’s Hand is seen as a symbol of a Reiki healer’s energy-emitting hand, and so, is also referred to as the Reiki Hand. The Healer’s Hand makes a very popular talisman and is often worn by believers to attract good health, good luck, happiness and wealth.
    Thank you to for this discription.
  • Raku Angel Tile

    Let this Raku Angel remind us how angels are a beautiful part of the guidance in our lives.  If you feel the guidance you may also like the Angelic Series of Sound Essence Mists. Each angel tile is fired in an outdoor kiln to 2000 degrees F. It is then pulled from the red hot oven and plunged into a sand pit with wood shavings. The red hot vessel causes the shavings to ignite.  After the flames reach their maximum height, I cover the inferno with a metal drum.  The unique manner in which the fire burns each time creates the unique splashing of colors from the copper glaze on the Raku art piece. The intense change in temperature from the red hot kiln to the outdoor atmosphere shocks the glaze, causing cracks.  The smoke penetrates any unpainted parts of the ceramic art, turning it black.  The black lines in the crackle are from the smoke penetrating the fissures in the transparent glaze. 5" comes in gift box.


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